The main objective of Aplus Endowment Found is to promote every action and/or research made to develop innovating initiatives to preserve Health and promote Wellness and Life quality whatever the age.
This objective is innovating because it proposes sponsorship via two positive concepts: Health prevention and Wellness.
Apart from age concerns, three intervention fields come from this concept:
Hygiene and food rules:
This field concerns actions tending to promote good practices to have a good life hygiene: physical and sport activities, food habits modifications, hygiene rules.
Treatments and physical and/or psychological interventions:
The objective is to promote actions and researches based on psycho-social approaches and non-medicinal therapies.
Interventions on direct physical environment :
The objectives is to help actions tending to develop adapted outside and inside environments improving wellness, peace and users adaptation.
Besides, other thematics may be specifically approached regarding the Endowment Fund:
- Make evolve the care of elder person suffering cognitive troubles: support initiatives improving Wellness and Health of the residents / families / employees.
- Health education and prevention with children.